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SeaMetrics, Inc. is a designer, manufacturer, and marketer of a wide variety of flow metering products. Since 1989, the privately-held corporation has served diverse markets, including industrial water treatment, energy management, irrigation, utilities, food processing, and chemical handling. SeaMetrics, Inc. is located near Seattle, Washington, where it makes most of its components. The company has a high commitment to continuous improvement of all its processes and products. Steady growth in sales is achieved through an emphasis on new product development. 

AG3000 Flanged Magmeter


AG3000 Flanged Magmeter


Product Specifications

  • For use in irrigation, chemigation, agricultural automation, well usage monitoring, Dairy lagoons

  • 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12" pipe sizes

  • Simple as a mechanical meter

  • No moving parts

  • Built-in pulse output

  • Minimal straight pipe

  • Battery or external power

  • Solar compatible

  • Data logger compatible

  • Telemetry-ready

Product Documentation

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