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Terms + Conditions

Terms & Conditions


Orders can be placed via website or email. Phone orders are not accepted unless followed up with a confirmation email.


Prices listed are in NZD EX-GST, GST and freight is added to the final invoice.


Payment can be made via credit card upon placement of order on the website, or EFT terms are 21 days from warehouse dispatch.

Direct Debit

Direct debit payments can be made into the following bank account:

Bank Name: ANZ
Account Name: Pivot Parts New Zealand
Account Number: 06 0225 0897058 00
Reference: Invoice number & name

Delivery Information

Delivery times vary depending on shipping method used and destination. See Shipping Info for more information

Cancelling Your order

If for some reason you need to cancel your order, please do so on the same day the order is placed. If the order has already been shipped the order cannot be cancelled.

Refund and Returns Policy

Pivot Parts New Zealand strives to make sure our customers are happy and satisfied with the service they receive. If for any reason you are unhappy, or feel that our service can be improved, please contact us.