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Senninger Irrigation is a manufacturer of high-quality irrigation components including sprinklers, spray nozzles and pressure regulators. These products contribute to the efficient use of water and energy for agriculture, nursery, wastewater treatment and mining applications. In centre pivot irrigation their focus is producing a range of products which work together to deliver the lowest instantaneous application rates in the market. 

UP3 nozzles, #06-#26


UP3 nozzles, #06-#26


Product Specifications

UP3 Nozzles simplify renozzling. Nozzles are removed in four easy steps: simply pinch and pull to remove the nozzle; then place and click to re-install. There is no need to disassemble the sprinkler to reach the nozzle. Plus, with the UP3 design, the i-Wob base is now an integral part of the bracket. - See more at:


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