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UMC manufacturing is based in Costa Mesa California. They are the largest independent driveline manufacturer in the world. They have been producing quality pivot driveline components for over 25 years. They are the manufactures of the 740U, 740UV, 760U TNT and TNTUV. They also manufacture Powersaver centre drives and coupler kits. 

01355-133A, CX coupler multi-shaft


01355-133A, CX coupler multi-shaft


Features and Benefits

  • Units come pre-assembled

  • No assembly time

  • Saves time in the field

  • Meets and exceeds the existing UMC coupler performance

  • Universal design - fits all square shaft sizes - standard and metric

  • UV-stabilized urethane puck

  • Easily converts from Non-Towable to Towable

  • Centering rod for maintaining alignment at peak torque

  • SQUEX Bolts (Square Neck - Hex Head) for easy one wrench installation

Product Information

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